What's Up With Numbats?

by Elis Rumma

Tallinn University's Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Estonia


Correctness-loving Eve and effortless Leida are colleagues and opposites, working everyday side by side at a small town library. During a casual wordgame between the two, prideful Leida´s factually wrong answer about Numbats habitat upsets Eve. Unfortunately for her the book to end the debate is missing. Unanswered calls to the bookholder and smirky Leida sets her off on a hunt for the book. An absurd adventure to prove her co-worker wrong begins and takes unusual turns until the very end. 

Director's biography

Elis Rumma is studying film directing at the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School in Tallinn. She is currently working on her graduation film project titled "Come sit with us", which is based on a short story "The Bench" written by an Estonian author Piret Raud. 


Director: Elis Rumma

Screenplay: Paula Üleoja, Elis Rumma

Cinematography: Joosep Ivask

Music: Kalev Kivi


Original title: What's Up With Numbats?

Running time: 13'

Film type: Fiction

Country: Estonia

Completion date: June 2023