
by Justin Beaulieu

INIS, Canada



Under a combative exterior, an orphan conceals deep wounds. Ignacio is preparing for the fight of his life.  As he exposes the horrors of Guatemala's armed conflict, he reveals the tragedy that led to his adoption. Behind this terrible discovery, Ignacio has found  hope, that of finding the family that never abandoned him. His biggest dream becomes a possibility. 

Director's biography

Coming from a dramatic arts background, Justin Beaulieu first became interested in fictional cinema before turning to reality cinema.  He was content to keep his films in his head for several years before trying out at the Course des régions pancanadienne in 2017, where he won several awards.  He decided to complete L'inis’s documentary program before going professional.


Director: Justin Beaulieu

Screenplay: Justin Beaulieu

Cinematography: Nicolas Vennes

Editing: Claude Collins

Music: Uberko


Running time: 12

Film type: Documentary

Country: Canada

Completion date: 2021