Just Don't Sing

by Jedrzej Michalak

The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Lodz, Poland



Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou is one of the most popular afrobeat bands in West Africa. Most of their career took place during reign of a marxist regime in their home country Benin. Was the price they had to pay to keep making music worth it? 

Director's biography

Jedrzej Michalak is a film and theatre director based in Warsaw. While studying law in Warsaw and Vienna he became a human rights activist - and that led him to filmmaking. Jędrzej has experience in shooting his films in a few European countries as well as in Asia and Africa. He graduated from the Lodz Film School in January 2020.


Director: Jedrzej Michalak

Screenplay: Jedrzej Michalak

Cinematography: Elio Balezeaux

Editing: Dorota Roś, Melissendre Carrasco


Original title: Wystarczy nie śpiewać

Running time: 25'

Film type: Documentary

Country: Poland

Completion date: 2019