Lights Out

by Audrey Dupupet, Sherilyn Laurie

School of Visual Arts BFA Computer Art, United States



Two boys confront opinions on police brutality and racism.

Director's biography

My name is Audrey Dupupet and I would like to work the Look Development portion of the animation pipeline. I enjoy using my skills in environment modeling, lighting, and texturing to help enhance stories such that they connect with audiences in a profound way. I am always open to new projects and strive to provide the best support possible for the people I work with. I would love to be a part of projerctsgeared towards social justice or education.

My name is Sherilyn Laurie and I recently graduated from the School of Visual Arts NYC studying Computer Art, Computer Animation, and Visual Effects. I have an interest and passion for the entertainment industry and have an interest in Production Pipeline and Sound Design.


Director: Audrey Dupupet, Sherilyn Laurie

Screenplay: Audrey Dupupet, Sherilyn Laurie


Original title: Lights Out

Film type: Animation

Country: United States

Completion date: May 2021