Director's biography
Finished film and television directing: Director of the live broadcast and event of JA Europe Company of the Year 2018 - Gala Awards Ceremony. Directed and produced several commissioned films (Including for the 70th anniversary of FAA and the 49th Belgrade FEST). Winner of the Best Directing Award at the 7th Duka Fest in Banja Luka and Special Jury Award at the 5th Golden Baklava Film Festival in Turkey for the film “Many Happy Returns”. Currently working on post-production of his first feature-length experimental music film “Buč Kesidi: Euforija uživo”. His graduation short film “Sun Can’t Be Seen No More” is currently in post-production. Founder of the Creative Group Pointless Films.
Director: David Jovanović
Screenplay: David Jovanović, Bogdan Stefanović
Cinematography: Mladen Teofilović
Editing: David Jovanović, Stefan Rokvić
Music: David Jovan Radosavljević
Original title: Ubistvo radi ubistva ili umetnost radi umetnosti
Running time: 29'
Film type: Fiction
Country: Serbia
Completion date: 2019